As website designers we often work with clients who are keen to ask how a website can make money. Here at Meshviz we understand that as a business a website is an investment that should increase you companies brand and profits. Our lovely team have helped devise a list of tips that you can incorporate on your website to help utilise you online space to make profit.

One of the main things you must always consider with your website is the high online traffic times, a website needs to be mobile optimised as most people use the internet from their phones. As website designers we always ensure that our website are mobile optimized this ensures that people wont be able to miss content from our customers websites. Targeting online traffic is key as the website and content could easily become invisible and skimmed over by potential customers. Website traffic is simply the amount of visitors you get on your website, this often calculated in a monthly period. Using tools to help track the traffic times allows you to see when the most frequent views happen. By tracking popular times you are then able to add new content when people are most likely to visiting your website.

Search Engine Optimisation is often a more tactical way to approach gaining online traffic, Search Engine Optimisation or SEO is essentially when search engines i.e. google will send out ‘crawlers’ which scan the internet and its contents. Websites which offer fresh and new content will be ranked higher than those that don’t. In regards to good if a website has new content, updated blogs and relatable information then the website will be placed higher up in the ranking system. The concept can be difficult to understand however feel free to look at our SEO blog for more in depth information.

Social Media is always an essential for accompany any website or business. You are more likely to gain a higher online traffic numbers if your website is connected to a social media account. As web designers we always ensure to advice our clients on which social media platforms are more suited to their business. If you are ensure on what social media platforms that can benefit your business feel free to look at our social savvy blog. When we talk to our website design clients we often find they assume that the platforms are restricted to Facebook and Twitter. YouTube can often work well as social media platform for some business, this is a really effective platform for interactive products find out more on our YouTube blog.

Email lists are always something to make use, companies which offer a free product i.e. a free document in return for an email address often receive great feedback. Our website clients are always cautious not to spam their clients, however when a person signs up to you website its clear they are interested in your product or service. Always ensure to offer clients on your email list something such as as a discounted rate or a free service. This will encourage potential customers and support loyalty

Once your website starts to gain high online traffic numbers you will then be able to sell advertising space on your website. As website designers we work with clients who host adverts, some will pay you for people coming to your site whilst others will only pay you for clients who have visited their site via a link through the advertising space on your page. This essentially is easy way to gain extra money from your websites, wait for you website to grow in terms of online traffic numbers prior to hosting advertising space. As website designers we often have to go back into a website to make amendments in order for the adverts to be hosted.
As website designers we often get asked about affiliate marketing by our customers. The simple explanation for this marketing is when a company will give you a certain percentage if you sell one of their products. We always suggest that our clients wait prior to taking part to this type of marketing, once you gain your visitors and establish how the website works then this could be a good opportunity to take part in affiliate marketing. Our main advice to our web design clients is to gain a good grasp of how the website works. These stages should only be taken by people who understand their website and have an established audience with high online traffic times.