As a Sheffield website consultancy agency we often work with small businesses building websites or visual elements. Due to our trade we have become accustomed to working with social media platforms and often advise our clients on which platforms to target. Social media can often be overwhelming for new clients who are used to using social media for personal reasons as opposed to commercial. We have devised some helpful tips on how to improve your social media platforms which represent your business. For those of you who feel as though social media is an utterly overwhelming subject feel free to refer to our social savvy blog. As a business finding your online voice can be a very difficult task especially in regards to new businesses.

As simple as it sounds being social is one of the main targets, as a website design business we have learnt that by using your business page to interact with your target audience is key. When a company interacts with its audience by asking questions or even having conversations the business is suddenly not seen as a faceless company. Working with local businesses we always ensure our customers know the importance of personalising a local company. A local business is very appealing to most people especially in the aspect of online sales. This type of interaction will help you decided what audience your marketing too and what appeals to them. This is a great opportunity to help find your online business voice. Interacting with other businesses online can be great for building a wholesome reputation in regards to your customers.

As website designers we often get asked by our clients how can social media benefit a business. As business owners we understand that customer loyalty is one of the most sought after things in business. As a small business we understand the importance of keeping our regular customers happy, we try to achieve this via social media by always answering questions promptly and sending things that we know our clients will be interested in. Social media platforms have a great power in being able to build that loyalty and also see what the audience wants. Many social media platforms used analytics which simply means you can see who has interacted more with certain posts. If you find than certain posts have gaged more interaction, you are able to create a good base point in how your posts should be structured. We often find that clients are aware of these tools but unsure how they could utilise their business. Social media tools can be fantastic in being able to see how your audience interacts with what your posting, you can use this to create tailor made posts that you know your audience will interact with. This is a good way of selling a product that you know your audience is interested in as opposing to spamming potential clients with irrelevant content

As most businesses we often find ourselves busy with work however we always delegate some time in the day to review our social media accounts. Keeping your account up to date is essential in terms of appearance and customer responses. We often find that by changing the branding of the social media platform in accordance to upcoming holidays can work really well with our followers. A good way to use your social media is to keep up to date with national days i.e. national dog day.  As website designers we noticed a lot of local businesses were posting images of their dogs or recognising the day which gained a lot of responses. This may seem simple and trivial however keeping up to date with these trends can help your business brand to be seen.